
Swinging Things

Although it's still early in the season, I feel like I'm getting a handle on how the flow of life goes. I have today off after three days in a row of actually working at Starbucks. Working the espresso bar is really fun - it's a huge adrenaline rush, which sounds kind of bizarre but it's true. Other than that, I am convinced Starbucks is nothing but glorified fast food/airplane food. According to the corporation, each customer should spend no more than three minutes from the time they step in line until they get their drink. Yeah. Right.

So what am I doing on my day off? Skiing, you may ask? I most certainly am not. "You can afford to be picky now that you actually live here," my boss said yesterday, and she is one hundred percent right. Why deal with tons of tourists and crowded icy slopes when I can hang out in my warm apartment and wait for the real snow to come?

Although in all reality I'll be outside loading wood into the tarp-pulley system Jeff rigged up to get all our beetle kill from the haphazard pile where we were chopping it up to our apartment. So not looking forward to this day off - yesterday I got a huge, triangular splinter in my finger which took me 45 minutes of poking and prodding to get out. I tried two different pairs of tweezers, the big blade on Jeff's pocket knife, and finally used a safety pin (unsanitized: we couldn't find the lighter) to rip my skin open cell by cell until I could wrench the darned thing out of there.

Today I'll wear gloves.

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