

This whole holiday thing is very bizarre when you're on your own. Night four I got my hands on some birthday candles, stuck them in an old egg carton, and when they burned down after 10 minutes the egg carton itself caught fire. I guess there's something to be said for having a real menorah. Maybe I should just give up on Channukah like I have on the rest of Judaism; my Yom Kippur fast only lasted until 4 pm because I decided fasting for spirituality's sake was pointless and futile. I'm not sure how this happened, but I'm becoming very skeptical of organized religion. Or maybe I always was, I've just always had family or friends around to participate in all the traditions with. I know of only one other Jew here, and from what I hear, he's very annoying. So I'm going it alone...not to mention the next free church dinner is this Friday, the last night of Channukah. There goes that holiday.

1 comment:

  1. For me being Jewish was never about the practice of spirituality. It was always more about the tradition, and the way it can bring people together. Might I suggest not giving up on Judaism, but perhaps putting it on hold until you can use it for its main purpose; bringing the family closer together. For now, allow skiing and hanging out to be your practice - the stuff that glues you with others. Good luck, and make sure Grandma and Grandpa have your address so you can get your gelt!
